Translaminar fungicide
and bactericide
based on colloidal silver


countries use our plant protection product


partners provide consultations on application


scientific institutions confirm effectiveness of our product

Zeroxxe overview

  • APPLICATION: for treatment of seeds and tubers before sowing and planting, for spraying of agricultural crops in vegetation (also as a part of quarantine measures)
  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT: colloidal silver 3,000 mg/L
  • FORMULATION: water colloidal solution (WCS)
  • EFFECTIVE PERIOD: within 7-21 days, depending on weather conditions, a plant species and a stage of its development, a pathogen type and a degree of its development
  • RESISTANCE: no cases of resistance to the preparation
  • CROP ROTATION: without restriction
  • PHYTOTOXICITY: no phytotoxity if the use directions are followed
  • SHELF LIFE: 3 years
  • TEMPERATURE OF STORAGE: from 0°С to +45°С

* – Zeroxxe is registered the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. Zeroxxe is in the process of registration in the Russian Federation. Approximate term of registration in the Russian Federation: September 2020. The information is scientific. The data are provided for informational purposes only. This is not an advertisement. This is not an offer for sale.

Growth stimulation effect 0
Elicitor effect 0
Anti-pathogenic effect 0

Zeroxxe is

Joint innovation
Technology protected by the patent
Russian-made product
Unique active ingredient

Joint innovation of AgroKhimProm Group of companies’ experts and Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Chemistry Department specialists

The production technology is protected by Russian and international patents

Product is developed and manufactured in the Russian Federation using the Russian raw materials

Colloidal silver has been registered as an element of a plant protection product for the first time in the worldwide practice

Multipurpose preparation
Fight with quarantine plant diseases
Anti-resistant component

Zeroxxe can be incorporated into any plant protective system enhancing its effectiveness and expanding the spectrum of destroyed phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria

Zeroxxe is effective against quarantine plant diseases, including the ones which are able to develop resistance to systemic fungicides (bacterial burn of fruit crops, etc.)

Zeroxxe may be an anti-resistance component when used in a plant protection scheme with other preparations

The silver concentration in Zeroxxe and its effective dosage of application are much lower in comparison with traditional fungicides containing metals